SFCO COVID-19 Musician Relief Fund
The San Francisco Chamber Orchestra is a close-knit community of the very best professional musicians in the Bay Area. Many of us are vulnerable right now as concert cancellations pile up, and uncertainty about the future continues.
We started a fund that goes directly to help SFCO musicians and their families who are experiencing financial distress. Our amazing community proclaimed how much they care about our musicians and rushed to help our wonderful musicians in their time of need.
Musician Relief Fund is a success!
All proceeds go directly to our musicians.
Please stay healthy and strong throughout this unprecedented crisis. By helping each other, being kind and generous, we will ensure that we weather this storm together and create a future where live music can continue to nourish our souls.
Thank you for your generous support, and we hope to be able to bring our musicians back soon to a concert hall near you.
Thank You
Kris Albert
Kristin Anundsen
Stefanie Arthur
Lily Baran
Andrea Behr
Constance Bernstein
Robert Birnbach
Steven Birnbaum
Cynthia Bishop Nourse and James Nourse
Miriam Blatt
Carla Bowman
Tod Brody and Susan Walker
Joan Burg
Catherine and John Muster Cavette
Gillian Clements
Laurie Cohen
Anita Cotton
Mark Cutkosky and Pamela Reasner
Martha Dahlen
Judith Davis
Robyn Dondero
Karla Ekholm
Beth Falk
Steve Fankuchen
Marsha Feinland
Moritz Fliedner
Gabriela Frank
Doris Fukawa
Geoffrey Gallegos
Kathy Geisler
Keith Gleason
RaeAnn Goldberg
Alicia Goldstein and Michael Syberg
Brian Gurewitz
Kathleen Henschel
Annette Herskovits
Kenneth Hoffman and Jan Goldberg
Greer Hoffmann
Jj Hollingsworth
John Houghton
Georgia Hughes
DalRae Jin
Bruce Joffe
Jennifer Jung
Carlos Kaslow and Janice Kelly
Tim Kaun
James Kohn
Anthony Lane
Richard Ledon
Alexandra Leem
Lolly Lewis and Steve Kahl
Ann Liebeck
Amy Likar
Nadia Liu
Larry Marietta
Greg Mason
Vanessa McLaren-Wray and Alan Wray
Warren Miller and Britt-Marie Ljung
Andrew Morgan and Danny Richard
Moana Newman
Betty Nudelman
Sarn Oliver
Pamela Parke
Stacey Pelinka
Louise Pescetta
Anna Presler
Nancy Quinn and Tom Driscoll
Kathleen Reed
Wilbur Ressler and Patricia Augsburger
Terry Rillera
Darcy Rindt
Kurt Rohde
Corinne Rydman
Paul Schrage
Adrienne Sengpiehl
Don Shearn
Vanna Shir and Oliver Demuth
Benjamin and Jane Simon
Frayda Simon
Justin Simon
Michael Skaar
Lara Slotwiner-Nie
Kathie Sollers
Eugene Sor
William Spitzig
Urs Steiner
Timothy and Judith Stevens
KC Still
Martha Stoddard
Michèle Stone and Harry Howe
Jen Strauss
Dongjin and Marie Suh
Michel Taddei
Angela The
Thomas Thomas
Ruth Townsend
Art and Arliss Ungar
Eric Valentino
Denis Vasilev
Linda and Marvin White
Roger Wiesmeyer
Irina Zarkhina